Grossed Out
Ten reasons to be grossed out and miserable in Cousein Bas: 1) It is 8.45pm, and the temperature in the shade, without any exaggeration, which, I admit, I am prone to do, is 42 degrees Celsius. I'm exhausted, sweaty and smelly.* 2) The flies don't give up. I'm surrounded. I'm easy meat. 3) The water pressure that bursts the hose does not transfer to the caravan shower. 4) Cottage No. 1 is absolutely filthy.** Kevin is still in there now, bless him, knocking down two hundred year old ceilings that have acted as a massive dish for the attic poo of a million mice. 5) The barns smell foul. I can smell them from quite a way away. They weren't heated up when we bought the place. There's a wasps' nest on the back of the door of the one I have to keep going in with rubble. 6) Polly spends all day collapsed in a sleepy heap. She starts to feel a bit more lively late at night and wants to stay out with the naughty cats. We can't allow that. She must instead ...