Back to White
After a brief family-fuelled sojourn in Little Britain, we have arrived back at our tumbledown farmstead on a wintry hill in the Correze. Despite very strong winds in our absence, cottage #1 is still standing, and the roof is where we left it! The reported heavy rainfall has, however, left its mark. On every floor. It appears that water seeped/gushed down the chimney and also down the gap between the chimney and roof. The chimney has a little roof on it, so the rain must have been delivered horizontally. Chimney roof obscured by falling snow and grey snow skies The water that came down the chimney has damaged the extractor fan above the range. Its lights come on, but the fan is broken. The black sticky grime of the chimney guts coloured the water dark orange, and that has splashed its primitive design over the range and the surrounding surfaces. This should not have been able to happen; Kevin installed a board inside the chimney to prevent bird-propelled objects disappearing...