I found this marble sign in the loft of the first cottage. It's surprisingly heavy. Why was it made? Was it a plaque on a front gate, or was it from a family tomb? There doesn't appear to be a Cousein any more, but Cousein Bas and Cousein Haute. On all the maps I have looked at, it is spelt Cousin, but the actual signs marking the two hamlets are spelt with the e. There are four separate dwellings at Cousein Bas: our farm, two cottages along the lane, and a walled complex that contains a large house, barns, stables and a chapel.Cousein Haute appears to consist of a selection of farm buildings, but they may be separate dwellings... Conte means 'story' in French. This has prompted new thoughts about the name of our property. Our address at the moment is just Cousein Bas, but we need to distinguish our place from the other dwellings. There's a lot of sky, and a lot of hill, and a lot of larks. I've mulled over names that include les collines or le ciel, and it...