Construction (and Destruction) with a Vengeance!

The sitting room window is out and on its way down, ready to transform into a set of French windows.

Our soft furnishings and the piano are securely parceled in semi-sticky carpet protector- it's all we had left! (It was a present from Jim the plumber in Cranbrook- we never really did appreciate him as much as we should have done. He was a bit scary.) As you can see, the sitting room is taking shape, with a recognisable wall and floor.

Witness a wall going up around the downstairs loo and utility cupboard. It's not quite so embarrassing using the loo now. Who'd have thought that a loo without a door would feel 'private'?

The view of the sitting room window hole from the outside.

After making the utility cupboard, I needed some plaster for taping and jointing. Where was it? Under the stairs, an area that was now inaccessible. Wily old Kevin simply cut his way in and retrieved what I needed.

You can see that my taping and jointing skills need some further development... Within this seemingly narrow space, we will place the hot water cylinder, the washing machine and the tumble drier, all suitably wired, plumbed and vented. We're getting there. 
(Kevin was still under the stairs after quite a while- I'm not sure what he's doing in there!)

A little bit of insulation starts to go in...

We're working very long hours, so it should probably not have been a surprise that we inadvertently slept for eleven hours last night! Eleven hours! Twelve and a half hours later, however, Kevin is still banging away in the cottage, while I tap away at this blog in the cosiness of the caravan.


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