Pinocchio and Other Misshapes

One of the joys of home-grown vegetables and fruits is the unfolding of unusual formations. You wouldn't find a tomato with this much character in a British supermarket, would you? 

It's always nice to keep some Haribo sweets in the car, for those long, exhausting journeys across France. This brand new, unopened selection of fruity chews was carefully stowed in the map pocket behind my seat. It doesn't seem quite so appealing now that it's one giant blob... or does it?

We purchased some sheep's cheese at the local farmers' market. It was delicious, but its crust was one of the most 'textured' I've seen!

We were presented with a few problems when trying to affix guttering to the rear of cottage #1, mainly due to the fact that there wasn't really anything to attach it to. So... Kevin cut off the ends of some of the overly jutty beams and added little wooden blocks to the side of each beam, to which he has now fixed a great chipboard soffit, and to that, he's fitted the guttering support brackets. We've had to opt for aluminium guttering, as the fish-scale slate tiles are so heavy, and if one fell (which they tend to), it would probably crash through the plastic version. Yes, you've noticed that the dormer window is still not finished. It'll be done before the rain and wind come, fear not.

I've been planing, sanding, Xylophene-ing and filling the old kitchen table that was left in cottage #1. It was in a sorry state and very nearly undertook a journey to the dump, but, after a bit of attention, I think it'll live to serve again. I painted it with Clear Clouds Autentico chalk paint; it's come up much lighter than I expected, more baby blue than grey-blue, but we'll be able to live with that. I think. We've toyed with different ways of extending the rotted,stumpy legs, and the current plan is to add blocks and sheath the join with a copper 'wrap'. 

Kevin has started on the boarding of the rear of the bistre-encrusted fireplace. We've put a chipboard ceiling in there, and a flue pipe will vent through it up the chimney. This represents one important step closer to having a cooker that won't incinerate my pear puddings.

Time Off! 
Attending Karen and Richard's 
30th wedding anniversary
 party this week!


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