Kevin said to me, "I've got a three day window."
Me, safely downstairs:
Pre-trying, at far too early a stage, the new sander (that tries to get away from you) and floor wax...
Meanwhile, Kevin, upstairs:
"I've got a three day window of good weather to get this dormer done. I've started..."
Yes, the situation is as it appears; he has indeed simply cut a hole in the roof from the inside, and is slowly bringing in the tiles. He has made the effort to erect the tower outside, but has found no use for it yet.
Only one tile broken so far..
This tile is a perfect teardrop.
This is how Kevin is planning the dormer window...*
Kevin takes a short cut and removes an entire section of tiled roof. He made me pick it up to see how heavy the roof is.
So we leave him there, literally poised on a precipice, trying out the window for size. And hoping the weather forecast is accurate.
* That's just a little joke. Kevin has, of course, drawn up detailed plans. He knows what he's doing! This sketch on the door post was simply helping him explain something technical to me.**
** This may not be true. O__o
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