More Natural Delights

The sun shows its silly hot face at the end of the day. Vampire-like, it usually hides during the hours of day. 

I drive past this field a lot, but I've never noticed this winding riverlet before. Part of me thinks it's developed over the winter, but the little bridge over it makes me think it was always there and I just didn't notice. It does look new though...

My top lawn is covered in dandelions. They reappear an hour after being mown down. How did the clock have time to develop?

Here is a pink blossom on the peach tree. There was a dreadful peach incident last year. There were LOADS, then there were NONE. I accused just about everyone and everything, but this year... I'm on PEACHWATCH! Starting now. And I've purchased a fruit net- bit early for that at the moment.

The mowing continues. The top lawn will always be mown using the petrol push mower. I like the stripes. Everywhere else be subject to the new heavy duty lawn tractor.

Apart from this field, what I call the 'car park field', whose grass has grown too high and thick for any mower! That grass wall is as far as I got.

So it was time for the strimmer...

Okay. I'll admit that there were some problems with the strimmer. A good proportion of what I was hacking down was stinging nettles. I very soon became covered in little fragments of sting! My arms, ankles and neck were covered in lumps and rash. Did I stop once it was really hurting? Not at first, but I had to stop because the little orange cutter whip broke off. Thank goodness. The lumps and rash got worse after a while. This is a post-wiped off arm. It was more or less totally green. It was irksome for more than three hours!

Meanwhile, unaware of my nettle rash issue, Kevin was cutting swathes through the lower field using the not so injurious lawn tractor.

Yes, at last the sun appears during the daytime.


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