At last, a reprieve from the heat and drought! I recently said to Kevin that I loved the sort of caravan day when it was pouring with rain and you could sit on the caravan's velour sofa reading a book, or doing crossword puzzles, and eating Malteesers all day. I have no actual experience of this, but I imagine that this would be idyllic. 

Unfortunately, there is no rest for the wicked, and we soldiered on inside the house. The original beams have the strength of Jacob's cream crackers, so we are putting in a whole new raft of supporting beams around them. The original beams must stay, as we want to expose them! There is still a whiff of rat urine, but the smell of pine is gaining ground.

 Even the clouds couldn't be bothered to get up today!

 Yes, we know there is poor drainage! Darn hole!

Don't worry- it doesn't actually look like that... Is the photo upside-down?


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