When the Wind Blows
The weather's taken a turn for the worse, and the wind is becoming a bit of a problem in tent/caravan land... on top of a mountain. We had to tie the big tent to the car again last night, to stop it lifting off. The caravan shakes during the worst of it; I think it probably sounds worse that it is when you're in a wee caravan... We have to keep the flaps open on the mess tent. The olive oil container and the basil plant have been blown over so many times. Both are proving to be resilient. And it's cold. And I'm beginning to feel that Kevin and I are like the little old couple in When the Wind Blows*, naively getting on with our work, following the guidelines, and looking just a little bit more wrecked each day. And what with navigating asbestos, lead paint, toxic chemicals and rat urine every day, there is every chance of contamination. I keep catching Kevin without either his goggles or mask on, and we are sustaining a range of small injuries that break our skin, and that ain't good...
* Simply the most brilliant and devastating film... with David Bowie soundtrack- a 'must watch' for all. But be warned, you will never forget it once you've seen it.
Debbie and Kevin
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