La Piscine?
Work on the fosse septique hole has slowed down, but the swimming pool's coming on well!
This is NOT the sort of sky I should be seeing in the south of France. And it's only 21 degrees today. It's hotter in Kent. It's currently night time in Moscow and it's 25 degrees there.Things must change! Grrrr!
Although, smooth with the rough, we HAVE managed to do a decent amount of work today in cottage #1. Additional support beams and lime mortar. My fingers are all dried out now.
Only two near misses today, both resulting in minor injuries to me. Bumped knee and bruised shoulder. No, wait, these are not 'misses', they're 'hits'. The 'near miss' was when I moved my ladder and my hammer fell off the top. That was a near hit.
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