The Water Men

Yesterday, Kevin informed me that I looked like a female Russian weightlifter. He has a way with words. I was wearing athletics shorts, a vest, and trainers with long socks (to protect me from snakes). Hair in a bun. No make-up. To be fair, I did feel a bit like a Russian weightlifter. I am quite strong these days! And at least he was willing to recognise the 'female' bit.
Well, on to the Water Men... I had e-mailed the Mairie at St Salvadour to ask for a map of our water mains, as we are soon having a big digger (with Ian in it) install our fosse septique and dig all of the ditches and channels associated with that. It would be unfortunate if we were to hit the water main. Yes, I know, you're surprised that we have a water main! Well, we do, and it was installed in 1971.
I didn't receive a reply to my e-mail, no, I received a visit from the Water Men! While I was being a Russian weightlifter. They didn't seem to be too worried about that. There were two amazing things that happened.
1) They had brought the original 1971 charts to show us where the water main was, and they spread them out on the bonnet of their car.
2) They spoke French to me throughout the visit and I understood and was able to respond! 


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