Dig This!
Please don't be alarmed, but the photos you are about to view show men wearing coats and wellies... in the south of France! In September. No, it's not right, but we suffered a cold wet day yesterday. We're told it was unusual. I actually had chattering teeth at one point towards the end of the working day. Working day. I don't just take photos, you know- I do work very hard every day, harder than the men. I was wearing my waterproof coat and wellies too, but you won't ever see much of me, as I'm the photographer, by semi-royal appointment.
They try the hole for size...
Ian takes off another two ton load in his dumper. We have a lot of handy areas nearby that could do with extra earth.
The hole takes shape. And the pipe from the house is poised, ready.
Marking in where the trenches will go with string, then fluorescent orange puff paint.
Starting to dig the first trench!
Yes, the digger saves a lot of time and energy.
Kevin joins his pipe together.
Kevin doesn't know about this photo- I couldn't resist.
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