Snow Blindness and Birds

In between mowing, I continued with painting cottage #1. Actually, it was the other way round. I painted nearly all day today. It's taking time because I'm doing it with a little supermarket brush. The exterior surface is extremely bobbly; I call it porridge. This makes the roller rather ineffective, as I have to go over it in detail to fill all the gaps. Also, the roller splashes like mad, and I don't want to splash my hydrangeas. Or my arty slate covering on them. I had rest breaks, to save me from blindness (the sun on the white wall is startling, even with sun glasses on), where I mowed both, what I call, the front lawn and the peach lawn in front of cottage #2. 

There were two little visitors to the animal trough this evening. I think one's a black cap, but the other one, which looks like it should be the female of the species, looks, in fact, more like a blue tit. What do you think?


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