Too much rouge?

Near us, there is a village called Collonges La Rouge, so called, because its buildings are lovingly hewn from red sandstone; they make for quite a spectacle.

 We are currently a little obsessed with roof windows, dormers, etc., so our photos reflect that... This one is yawning, accentuated by the curly green frond!

 This building had a big axe cleavage in the middle of the roof. It also boasted a HUGE chimney wall.

As well as being moved to take photos of roof windows, I'm increasingly enjoying taking photos of random people about their random business. I've told myself this is because I want to paint people-y scenes, but I think it may just be that I'm increasingly nosy, or should I say, 'curious'. After all, people ARE fascinating, don't you agree? And I haven't started any paintings yet...


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